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You, and Only You Page 3

  “Yes of course. I would have to agree that Alex is a most honorable man, my dear.”

  Alex glanced back and forth between the two of them, his unease mounting with each second. Honorable man? What the deuce were they going on about, he wondered?

  “Would you say that Alex is not only the type of man who keeps his promises, but a man who honors his debts as well?” Ashleigh asked.

  “To the best of my knowledge, Alex has always honored his debts,” Nicholas agreed.

  Honored his debts? “Would one of you care to explain what the devil you’re talking about?” Alex asked, his even tone betraying just a hint of the foreboding he was beginning to feel.

  “I believe my wife is trying to verify whether or not you are the type of man who would honor a lost wager,” Nicholas clarified, though his tone as well as his expression remained deliberately ambiguous.

  Ashleigh nodded, eyeing him expectantly.

  The word wager, combined with the wicked little grin slowly curving her lips into an upward arc, set warning bells ringing in Alex’s brain. Good God, she couldn’t mean what he thought she meant. No, surely not, for that was ages ago. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Oh Christ!

  Warily he turned and scanned the ballroom, searching for one particular individual, all the while silently praying that he didn’t see her. He didn’t realize that he was holding his breath until he felt a slight burning sensation in his chest a few moments later. With a conscious effort he resumed breathing and continued his search. Seconds later, his gaze fell upon a woman seated near one of the sets of French doors leading out to the terrace. Bloody Hell! He couldn’t suppress a grimace of distaste as he watched Lady Olivia Whitlunde shift her considerable bulk into a more comfortable position within the confines of the small chair that she had somehow managed to cram herself into.

  Slowly he turned back to Ashleigh, shaking his head from side to side, his expression a silent plea. Over a year ago, during an impromptu card game, he’d made a foolish wager with her and lost. His forfeit had been that at some point in the future, he would have to request a waltz with the widowed marchioness. It was a dreadful price to pay by any man’s standards, for despite the fact that she outweighed him by at least a stone, Olivia Whitlunde was as brazen as a dockside whore and her voracious appetite for the amorous affections of handsome young men was common knowledge amongst the majority of the ton. It was also widely-known that her late husband had left her a sizeable fortune and that Olivia tended to be quite generous with her lovers. It never ceased to astound him, the number of young men who were more than willing to overlook both her abrasive personality and physical unattractiveness in exchange for her financial largesse. However, unlike some of his less fortunate peers, Alex had no need of her generous pockets; nevertheless, Olivia had been pursuing him for years.

  Damn that blasted wager! If Ashleigh held him to it he would have to ask the old battle-ax to dance, an act that would only serve to encourage her unwanted attentions. He winced internally at the thought. Unfortunately however, despite his pleading expression, Ashleigh’s own expression remained woefully unchanged. Despite her rather unorthodox victory, for she had admittedly stacked the deck, it was obvious that she expected him to honor the wager they’d made. Closing his eyes, he heaved a long, drawn-out sigh. Reopening them, he hesitated for a moment and then finally turned and stalked away. As he headed in the direction of Olivia Whitlunde he could hear the unmistakable sound of muffled laughter drifting over his shoulder.

  Five minutes later Alex felt close to suffocating under the heavy, cloying scent of Olivia’s perfume. Her enormous breasts, barely restrained within the low-cut bodice of her garish purple gown, were crushed blatantly against his chest and she’d already propositioned him twice. Cursing silently, he reminded himself for the one-hundredth time never to wager with a beautiful woman again.

  “Rumor has it that you’ve been tipping Lucinda Langdon’s skirts of late,” Olivia commented, her stale, fetid breath hitting him like a punch in the face. It was all he could do to remember that he was a gentleman and to keep his aversion from showing plainly upon his face.

  “Idle gossip I assure you,” he replied with cool civility. Hell and damnation, despite his reputation, he did his best to keep his amorous activities from becoming public knowledge. Nonetheless, one night with the lovely baroness, weeks ago no less, and the rumor mill was turning out tales.

  “Humph. I seriously doubt that, Chesterfield,” Olivia scoffed, not the least put off by the somewhat frosty tone of voice. “Winston is far too old to keep his wife satisfied, and I hear tell that she’s had her eye on you for quite some time. But even so, I doubt that she will hold your attention for long.” Her lips curved into a salacious grin. “They never do, do they?” She continued then, without waiting for a response. “When you’re ready to know what it’s like to have a real woman in your bed, you need only to send word.”

  Alex barely suppressed a shudder as he spun Olivia into the midst of the other dancers. Noting the odd, questioning looks directed their way as they moved across the floor, he groaned inwardly. Lord only knew what people were thinking. He purposely kept his gaze unfocused, but even so, he caught the amused eye of Albert Lindley just as Olivia tightened her grip, pushing herself against him in a shockingly indecent manner as she deliberately brushed her pelvis against his. Hells bells! He was never going to live this down. And when the gossip reached London, which it undoubtedly would, he was sure to be ribbed mercilessly the moment he set foot within any of his clubs. He could practically hear the teasing quips and mocking jests already.

  After several more excruciating minutes had passed, the music finally came to an end and Alex was quick to pry himself from Olivia’s fleshy, clinging arms. Leading her from the floor, he deposited her at the nearest vacant chair, ignoring her sullen pout as he quickly bid her a good evening and took his leave, all the while pondering the most effective method to cleanse his mind of the odious experience. Perhaps a large snifter of brandy would help, or better yet an entire bottle he thought as he walked swiftly away.

  “Ashleigh Leighton, you are simply terrible?” Tiffany chided under her breath, as she came to stand next to her friend. She’d seen Alex dancing with Olivia Whitlunde a short while ago, and though her tone was admonishing, she couldn’t fully disguise the reluctant grin that tugged at her lips, for she had long-known about the wager.

  “I know,” Ashleigh replied, stifling a giggle behind her hand. “Do you think he will ever forgive me?”

  Of course he would, but Tiffany wasn’t going to let her off so easily. “Only time will tell, I suppose,” she teased, her expression dubious.

  Ashleigh smiled impishly, not seeming the least bit worried. “So?” she said, glancing down at the dance card dangling from Tiffany’s wrist.

  Tiffany knew exactly what she was asking and couldn’t contain her joyful smile. “The final waltz.”

  Grasping her wrist, Ashleigh gave Tiffany an encouraging squeeze as the two of them shared a silent, telltale exchange.

  Chapter 3

  Nearly an hour later, with his mood considerably improved, having downed several glasses of Nick’s best brandy, Alex made his way from the relative quiet of the duke’s study and back into the ballroom in time for the dance he’d promised Tiffany. Scanning the room, his gaze fell upon her a few moments later as she was being escorted from the dance floor by the Duke of Ravenfield. Meandering through the crowd, he kept his eyes on the duo as he moved purposefully in their direction. Both blonde and fair and possessing classical good looks that complimented each other to perfection, they made a striking pair he noted contemplatively. The two appeared quite taken with each other as well, it seemed. For as he watched, Ravenfield leaned down to whisper something in Tiffany’s ear, something that caused a faint blush to color her cheeks and a warm smile to light her delicate features. Surprisingly, much as he’d felt watching Tiffany with Brendon Leighton, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit.

  Shocking not only himself, but Tiffany and Ravenfield as well, he strode forward and grasped Tiffany’s arm, pulling her rather abruptly from the duke’s side. “Excuse us, Ravenfield,” he said, his tone uncharacteristically brusque as he addressed his longtime friend. “But I believe the next set is about to start, and Lady Tiffany has promised this one to me.” Before either of them had uttered so much as a word, Alex was already propelling Tiffany away from the bemused duke.

  Caught off guard by the suddenness of his action, Tiffany was rendered momentarily speechless as Alex led her swiftly from the duke’s side. Surely they still had a few minutes before the music was set to begin again, didn’t they? However, glancing down at the fingers wrapped lightly around her upper arm quickly sent her thoughts skittering in an entirely different direction. This was the moment she had been waiting for all evening, and although she tried to temper the outward signs of her excitement, she feared that her elation was evident for all to see as Alex guided her through the crowded room.

  Glancing toward the orchestra stand, Alex noted that the musicians were presently partaking of refreshments and appeared to be in no hurry to start the next set. Turning to Tiffany, he smiled somewhat sheepishly. “My apologies. It appears that I may have acted a bit precipitously, doesn’t it?”

  “Perhaps just a bit,” Tiffany replied with a light laugh. She hardly minded though. While the Duke of Ravenfield was nearly as good-looking as Alex and delightfully charismatic, he didn’t make her feel the same way the Earl of Chesterfield did, not even close. Not even Brendon Leighton, one of the most attractive and charming men she’d ever met made her heart flutter and her pulse race as Alex did. There was something different about Alexander Warrene, something that affected her in a way no other man ever had, and perhaps never would.

  “Well then, since it looks as though we may have a few minutes before our waltz is set to begin, would you care to take a turn about the room?”

  Although walking through the crowd on Alex’s arm sounded lovely, Tiffany had a better idea. “Actually, I’m feeling a bit warm. Do you think we could step out onto the terrace for a moment instead?”

  Alex hesitated for one brief second before responding in the affirmative. “Of course.” Turning toward the rear of the ballroom, he headed for the nearest set of French doors. Strolling along the moonlit terrace with the enchanting Tiffany Marlowe didn’t seem like the wisest of decisions, considering his attraction to the enticing minx, but surely they wouldn’t be the only people taking advantage of the cool evening breeze, he reasoned. He certainly hoped not, anyhow.

  Exiting through the doors a few moments later, Alex was immensely relieved to see that there were indeed several other couples occupying the expansive marble terrace. Leading Tiffany to a vacant spot near the waist-high balustrade, he deliberately kept them within eyesight of the others.

  Taking a deep breath and inhaling the cool night air, Tiffany smiled in contentment as the gentle breeze caressed her warm cheeks. “The breeze feels lovely, doesn’t it?”

  “It does indeed,” Alex said, returning her smile. As he watched, she tipped her head up and scanned the night sky.

  “The sky is so clear tonight,” Tiffany mused as she looked up at the stars twinkling above. “Oh look,” she said a moment later, pointing to a trio of bright, evenly-spaced stars that appeared to form a straight line. “There’s Orion’s Belt.”

  Alex followed the line of her gaze. “You have a good eye,” he commented. “Are you interested in astronomy, perchance?”

  “I am,” Tiffany admitted. “Ashleigh’s grandfather took us to visit the Royal Observatory when we were children and I’ve been fascinated with the stars ever since.”

  “Do you have a telescope of your own?”

  “Sadly no.” She shook her head. “Years ago I asked father if we might be able to purchase one, but he promptly informed me that there were far more important things to be done with ones time than staring into the night sky,” she said with a rueful smile and a light, disingenuous chuckle.

  “While that may or may not be true,” Alex maintained, “I freely admit that I enjoy it nonetheless.”

  “You own a telescope?” Tiffany asked, eyeing him with added interest.

  “I do.” Alex nodded. “I would be happy to show it to you sometime.”

  “Oh, would you?”

  “Of course.”

  Tiffany’s expression lit up instantly. Fool, Alex chided himself. What the hell was he doing? He wasn’t supposed to be encouraging any kind of relationship with Tiffany Marlowe, not even something as innocuous as a mutual interest in astronomy. Considering his attraction to her, it was simply too dangerous.

  “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  Damn, when she looked at him like that he couldn’t think straight. It was a good thing they weren’t alone. Even as that reassuring notion registered within his thoughts, he detected another couple approaching from the opposite side of the terrace. Cringing, he realized that it was Lucinda Langdon and her husband, Winston. He’d noted their presence earlier in the evening and had done his best to avoid them.

  “Chesterfield, I thought that was you,” Winston said, as they drew near.

  “Good evening, Langdon, Baroness Langdon,” Alex greeted, nodding politely to each of them. Lucinda was Winston’s second wife, his first having died years earlier, though not before dutifully providing him with his heir.

  Turning, Tiffany eyed the couple whom she’d met earlier that evening. They were an odd pair; she couldn’t help thinking once again. While the baroness was young and strikingly beautiful, the feeble-looking baron was stoop-shouldered and wrinkled with a head of thinning grey hair, and in fact appeared old enough to be his wife’s grandfather.

  “Have you met Lady Tiffany Marlowe?” Alex asked, motioning to Tiffany.

  “Yes, we met earlier,” Lucinda replied, glancing briefly at Tiffany before turning her attention back to Alex.

  “Indeed,” Winston added. “Lovely to see you again, my dear.”

  “It’s a pleasure to see you both again as well. I hope you’re enjoying your evening.” Though her tone was polite, inwardly she felt a flash of irritation as she watched Lucinda Langdon’s admiring gaze linger just a moment too long upon Alex’s handsome features.

  “How could we not,” Lucinda responded with a broad smile, “for the Leightons are such splendid hosts.”

  “The duchess always did know how to throw a party,” the baron agreed.

  “I believe you’re referring to the dowager, dear,” Lucinda clarified. “I’m quite certain that this is the first event the current duchess has hosted.”

  “What? Oh yes. Quite right, quite right.”

  Thankfully at that moment the call for the final waltz of the evening could clearly be heard through the open doors, saving Alex from prolonging their conversation with the Langdons. “Lady Tiffany, I believe that is our cue,” he said, turning his head toward Tiffany. “Baron, Baroness, will you excuse us please. Lady Tiffany has granted me the favor of partnering her in the next dance.”

  “Yes, yes. Go on, go on you two,” Winston said affably, waving his hand in the direction of the ballroom. “We’d join you, but for this blasted leg of mine.”

  “Perhaps we should go back inside,” his wife suggested, “and find you a comfortable chair, dear.”

  Nodding in agreement, Winston allowed his wife to lead him back into the ballroom just a few steps behind Alex and Tiffany.

  Moments later, as Alex swept her onto the dance floor and into the midst of the other dancers the Langdons were all but forgotten. Gazing upon Alex’s handsome face, Tiffany felt as if she were suddenly in a dream world, lost somewhere within the smoky depths of his extraordinary eyes. It was finally here, the moment she had been waiting for all night, held within the circle of his arms. Good heavens, it was even better than she’d imagined it would be. They were so close that she could smell the tantalizing scent of his cologne. Unable to help hers
elf, she inhaled deeply, filling her senses with the spicy, masculine aroma.

  Looking down upon Tiffany’s upturned face; Alex nearly missed a step as her expressive blue eyes played havoc with his senses. Damn, he’d seen that very same look too many times before and knew exactly what it implied. Desire. Tiffany Marlowe was still just as attracted to him as he was to her. Try as he might, there was simply no denying that the unmistakable spark that had leapt between them in the past was still just as strong as it ever was, if not stronger. As his eyes dropped to her full pink lips, he couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to capture their sweetness in a long, passionate-filled kiss. It was sheer madness to even think such a thing, but her exquisite loveliness and voluptuous young body seemed to drive every pure thought directly from his head. He knew that it would be an easy feat to seduce her, but once again he reminded himself that she was off limits. Even if he had no compunctions about seducing Ashleigh’s closest friend, Tiffany’s youth and innocence were insurmountable barriers to a casual affair. Although he had definitely earned his reputation as a rogue, he had never dallied with virtuous, young debutantes and he wasn’t about to start now.

  However, reckless as it may be, he simply couldn’t resist the urge to engage the lovely lady in a little harmless flirtation. Bestowing upon Tiffany his most charming smile, Alex tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her the slightest bit closer as he spun her about the floor. “You know, I was afraid you might have forgotten about me, or our dance that is, what with so many handsome young men vying for your attention this evening.”

  Alex’s devastating smile, combined with the proximity of his tall, muscular frame left Tiffany feeling breathless. In that moment, she was completely oblivious to every other person in the room, including those handsome young men to whom he had referred, for each and every one of her senses was focused solely upon him. As she gazed into Alex’s eyes, her smile was unconsciously provocative. “I could never forget you, my lord.” Without intending to, her words came out in a husky whisper. Ducking her head, she felt a blush warm her cheeks as she realized how that must have sounded.